Lembaga Penerbitan

Daftar Buku Terbitan UPI Cibiru Press

Pembelajaran Folklore Berbasis Media Pembelajaran Mixed Reality
Yunus Abidin
Harga RP-
Percik-Percik Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar
penulis, Winti Ananthia … [et al.] ; editor, Yunus Abidin, Kuswanto
ISBN : 978-623-92247-3-8
Harga RP-
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Primary and Early Childhood Education (ICPECE) : piloting the roles of primary and early childhood education in facing the era of society 5.0 :Bandung, November 19, 2019
editor, Yunus Abidin, Kuswanto ; Reviewer, Tita Mulyati … [et al.]
ISBN : 978-623-92247-2-1
Harga RP-
Pendidikan Multiliterasi : Konsep Dan Implementasi Dalam Konteks Keindonesiaan
Yunus Abidin ; editor, tim editor UPI Kampus Cibiru
ISBN : 978-623-92247-1-4
Harga RP-
Pedagogik Multiliterasi : Membangun Pendidikan Futuristik Untuk Indonesia
Yunus Abidin, Yusuf Tri Herlambang
ISBN : 978-623-92247-0-7
Harga RP-
Mengembangkan Perilaku Sosial Kewarganegaraan Untuk Anak Usia Dini
Tuti Istianti … [et al.]
ISBN : 978-602-74167-4-1
Harga RP-
Pengembangan Pembelajaran PPKn di SD-MI
H. Solihin Ichas Hamid, Hj. Tuti Istianti
ISBN : 978-602-74167-3-4
Harga RP-
Proceeding Of The International Seminar On Philosophy Of Education : Primary Foundation In Strengthening Pedagogy Development In Indonesia Future Generation
editor, Yunus Abidin, Fauzi Abdillah
ISBN : 978-602-74167-1-0
Harga RP-
The Role Of Primary And Early Childhood Education In Developing Human Resources’ 21 st Century Skills To Create Peaceful Global Societies : Proceedings The 1 st UPI International Conference on Primary and Early Childhood Education (ICPECE 2015) Bandung, December 5, 2015
editor, Yunus Abidin, Hana Yunansah
ISBN : 978-602-74167-0-3
Harga RP-